Be Your Own Cheerleader

12-23-2013 San Francisco 49ers Cheerleaders at the last home game at Candlestick

12-23-2013 San Francisco 49ers Cheerleaders at the last home game at Candlestick

Hi there. This year just keeps on giving, doesn’t it? We have now had 2 snow storms in October which is nearly unheard of. Again, I want to say, the constant state of the outside world (by outside I mean anything happening in your community/nation that is out of your control) is having an impact on us. It is like living with constant white noise or static. You can tune it out for a bit but eventually you just wish it would stop. Don’t doubt that this is affecting the way we are all coping with stressors. Give yourself some grace if you find yourself a little more snappy than usual and take some time to find calm for yourself in the aftermath.

That is not what I wanted to talk about today though. It just felt like it needed to be acknowledged, you know? What I came here to talk about today is a continuation of my last post. I spent some time on internal monologues. We all have them. We walk around all day talking to ourselves in our heads. If we are lucky, we are geared to be our own cheerleader. Most of us find we are our own biggest critic however. If this feels true for you, spent some time considering the messages you give yourself. One thing we know is that if you look at the bright side, you are on your way to a positive outcome, while if you look at things with doom and gloom, you are on your way to a less optimal outcome. With our internal monologues, we can start to gear ourselves to seeking those positive outcomes. It’s like if I asked you how many blue cars you see in a day. You might say, “I don’t know,” or “not that many",” I think they are all gray or silver. But after I ask you that, for the next few days you are going to be amazed at how many blue cars you see. Simply because I drew your attention to them. That is what you can do with your internal monologue. Takes time and it takes practice, but it can also be super beneficial.

By the way, this is something I specialize in with people I work with. If you want to explore this topic further, feel free to click the “Book an Appointment” button and let’s work on it together!

Thanks for reading & take care,



Well, Here We Are


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